Why Is There No Left?

Zach Herriges
7 min readNov 7, 2019


By the Left, I do not mean the Democratic Party. The Democrats are a right wing Capitalist warmongering party. By the Left I mean Socialists, Communists, and Anarchists.

In the 1960s-70s, College Campuses where seen as the hub of Revolutionary activity and radical politics. The Anti War Movement led the way, with Students for A Democratic Society blossoming an entire Generation of new Radicals, who would change the course of history.

Today, college Campuses seem to be the opposite, especially at UW Oshkosh.

Gay Liberation,Womens Liberation, Black Power, Anti-War, and the Enviroment Movement were all huge in the 1960s. Yet many of these movements were dismantled and the presence of the Left wasn’t felt after?

So what happened?

10 Theses on why there is No Left on College Campuses (or for that matter anywhere)

  1. Change in the Stages of Capitalism and the rise of Monopoly Capitalism

The first major thing that can be noticed as a change from the 60s-70s to today is the change of the stage of Capitalism. In the 60s, Capitalism was more planned and the welfare state was larger. The rate of union membership was much higher than today. This led to the second theses. At the same time Capitalism became more and more centralized.

2. The Lower Standard of Living

The Standard of Living has declined for the working class in the United State, and the Middle Class has shrunk. Wages have been stagnant for nearly 40 years. Their is massive income and wealth inequality. The Welfare state has been slowly dismantled. The Rate of Union membership has decreased. The high paying jobs, common in the 50s, 60s, and the 70s, factory jobs, blue collar work, have been exported overseas for cheaper. They were replaced over the next 20 years by low paying part time work in service. Workers needed to work longer hours for lower wages. This created a working time with less free time to focus on other things besides survival.

3. Rise in the Price of College

Attack on the welfare state led to education being defunded. Which caused the price of college to sky rocket. As college is seen as the door from the working class to the middle class. The price of college has risen so much and yet wages have stayed stagnant, entrapping millions of students in large amounts of debt. The weight of the debt seems so much, many see it as a push away from ever going to college and settle with blue collar or service industry labor.

4. No Draft, more War

The money for education, as well as social services in general, went to the War Machine. The Military budget was heavily increased, as the US military began to increase its imperialist influence throughout the world. From the 1980s to today, the US has expanded its military power throughout the entire world, and is slowly keeping the Empire’s influence dominate. The empires centralization of Monopoly Capitalism, has caused the US Imperialist hunger to increase and plunder new markets and resources.

5. Rise of the Neoconservatives

The Neoconservative movement was the reaction to the Left’s strength in the 1960s. The Right-Wing created an ideological policy of tax cuts to the super wealthy, while at the same time cutting government spending on social services and education. With a push towards privatization, which was a way to attempt to create new markets. They dismantled labor, broke strikes, and froze wages. These Neoconservatives were backed by many of the large Capitalists of the 1980s, that helped reshape the world to their image. To get the majority of people to support the Neoconservative economic agenda, the Neoconservatives began to attack the social progress of the 1960s. The wave of change. They attacked Civil Rights, Gay Rights, and Womans Rights. They claimed that American Foreign Policy was not imperialist Aggression but a policy of justice, Democracy and spreading freedom around the world. They hid their racist, sexist, and homophobic social policies based on tradition, a warped version of Christianity and “family” values.

The Neoconservatives came to power in the 1980s, with Reagan. The rise of the New Right led to a sweeping attack on women, gays, and people of color. As well as a time of massive social repression.

The Neoconservative movement strength came from the consolidation of media into fewer and fewer hands. Leading to fewer and fewer voices to be heard. This was the rise in what can only be called 24 hour stage-show circus news, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC.The stage show wasn’t just on TV, but it was on the Radio, the rise of Right Wing Radio, talking heads, flooded the airwaves. The politicians no longer had to get angry, the media did it for them. These modes of propaganda increased the strength of the Military by making recruitment seem “voluntary”, and a way to pay for the increase of college. The modes of Right Wing Propaganda became more sophisticated.

6. Crack Down on Dissent, War on Drugs, and Political Prisoners

The Neocons attacked the Left by associating drugs with them. By taking advantage of the communities by filling them with illicit substances and arresting anyone trying to escape their misery. The War on Drugs, led to the crack down on the anger of the working class and led to mass incarceration. In which the working class is now thrown into prison slavery. The CIA also intensely monitored dissidents (COINTELPRO). This crack down led to the destruction of many of the large left radical organizations in the US.

7. The Era of Counter Revolution

The Era of Counter Revolution began when the Russian Revolution, became the dictatorship of the Party over the working class. Then State Capitalism and Totalitarianism became the ideological reality of the USSR. State Capitalism being defined as the State becoming the owner of the businesses and the resources. Rather than International Communism, Communism was to be built in one state. This opportunism destroyed the global revolution to come, as numerous communist groups throughout the world would copy the soviet State Capitalist model and the toxicity of Stalinism. This would create a backlash to the ideas of communism. As they carried the weight of failed totalitarian dictatorship death states rather than the truest form of freedom for the workers of the world. The great man theory, the leader worship, the Cult of Personality, the monsters of totalitarianism, Joseph Stalin, Kim Jung Un, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Che Guevarra. These people are flaunted as gods, and communism is turned into a religion, a wet blanket doctrine of false hope and lies. The ideologues were their own grave diggers and time buried them.

8. Destruction of the “Communists”

The fall of the Soviet Union, and the collapse of “Communism” destroyed many of the Communist groups throughout the world causing massive disillusionment to the Left. When the far left was dismantled, than the center was attacked, when the center was attacked, than all that remained was the right wing. The Destruction and collapse of the most radical elements of society, undid all the progress that had been made in the last century. With no one to stand in the path of the Neocons, the far right took the place. The loudest voice in the room. Which led to the rise of Right Wing Populism and Donald Trump, and the resurgence of Fascism internationally.

9. Absorption of the Left by the Democrats

With the purging of Communist organizations and radicals the void needed to be filled. That void was filled by opportunist, organizations, like the Democratic Party. The Democrats absorbed labor and unions. It absorbed the mass movements, leading gay, womens, anti-war, labor, to the only conclusion, the worthless dead end of liberalism.

10. Disillusionment with Reform, voting and the Two Party System

The dead end of liberalism. The real disillusionment is with voting. You go to a ballot box every four years to rely on some criminal politicians to lie and not keep his promises. You vote for red one year, red screws you, than you vote for blue, you vote for change. But reforms change is only erased with the process of time.

That rage of the declining standard of living. The rage of longer hours and lower wages. The rage of more and more time being spent doing something you hate to make money to barely survive. You work to live, and live to work. While you make someone else rich, you waste your whole life, serving someone who sees you as a commodity, a object only too make them more money. The working class is done with voting, they see nothing to be gained but lies, and they have lost hope.

Don’t Lose Hope

The international working class is being pummeled by years of stagnate wages, and being buried in its debt. The ruling elites are slowly morphing the world to Fascist Capitalist Paradise. The environment is collapsing. Social repression is increasing, and the totalitarian bureaucracy is suppressing freedom,movements and dissidents. All while our electronic hallucinations keep us in our denial state of paralyzed fear and mind washed illusion. False hope is written on the politicians who make empty promises, that when looked at blow away in the wind, like empty bags. The workers, the poor, are up against a wall. The fascists seem to have won. The end is coming near.

Yet, there remains a beacon of hope.

The working class of the world still has it’s weapon. The working class will win its liberation with Communism. The working class must topple the international Capitalist oppression and remake the world in a society based on need not greed. A society based on cooperation rather than competition. The survival of the Human species remains at stake.

Communism Today. Communism is the solution. Communism Forever. Communism is the future.



Zach Herriges
Zach Herriges

Written by Zach Herriges

News from a Radical Perspective

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