I’m Glad Bush is Dead
Since his passing, we have seen nothing but pure unadultrated flawting over the late George H.W. Bush.
However, similarly to when John McCain died earlier this year and was praised as a “Maverick”, it is easy to gloss over the atrocities and awfulness of this slimy goon.
Though Bush Sr. isn’t as bad as his son, he stood by Reagan as he dismantled this country and further corporatized the world.
Here is Bush Sr. On the issues. Let’s remember him as he was.
1973: Nominally in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade. (Jun 1999)
Pro-life; against advocating abortion in any form. (Mar 1989)
1992 growth plan: deregulate & cut taxes. (Dec 2000)
Increased national debt from $3T in 1988 to $4T in 1992. (Jun 2004)
ADA is first declaration of equality for disabled people. (Jul 1990)
Avoiding censorship more important than defunding NEA. (Mar 1990)
Called for Constitutional Amendment against flag burning. (Jun 1989)
Supports school prayer, like Pledge of Allegiance. (Jul 1982)
1963: Civil Rights Bill violates constitutional rights. (Sep 2004)
No professional women on Bush staff, nor in Bush family. (Sep 2004)
At end of Cold War, re-declared War on Drugs. (Jun 2010)
1986: Oversaw National Narcotics Border Interdiction System. (Oct 2006)
Promised US 1st in math & science by 2000; we ended up 18th. (Sep 2010)
Churches & private schools provide 93% of education funding. (Sep 1988)
1948: Moved to Texas to make fortune in oil fields. (Sep 2004)
1956: Deregulation encourages more natural gas exploration. (Sep 2004)
1950s goal: financial success in oil; then politics. (Sep 2004)
1948: Moved to TX for oil, instead of family's Wall Street. (Apr 2004)
Took no stance nor action on global climate change. (Jan 2001)
1953: Founded Zapata Petroleum Corp. with $350,000 capital. (Aug 1999)
Rely on the magic of the marketplace for energy strategy. (Jul 1991)
Pioneer in the offshore drilling industry. (Mar 1989)
No welfare sponsorship for teen moms out of wedlock. (Jan 1992)
United Nations is "the light that failed". (Nov 2007)
Called for repeal of UN "Zionism is racism" resolution. (Nov 2007)
US troops to Somalia to alleviate starvation. (Oct 2007)
Became UN Ambassador after campaigning against UN. (Sep 2004)
US gives Israel $1,000 for every Israeli citizen. (Sep 2004)
1980s-90s: Supported military junta in Haiti. (May 2002)
Supported 1990 South Africa sanctions. (Dec 2000)
Clinton promised to overturn "immoral" Haiti policy. (Jun 2000)
Built consensus with UN to move against Saddam Hussein. (Oct 1992)
Since I became President, 43 countries have gone democratic. (Oct 1992)
New World Order: open borders; open trade; open minds. (Oct 1990)
1992 talks led to NAFTA agreement. (Dec 2000)
Create new jobs through increases in exports. (Dec 2000)
Make Americas a zone of peace, free trade, and democracy. (Dec 1992)
For NAFTA because exports critical to economy. (Oct 1992)
1964: Medicare is socialized medicine. (Sep 2004)
Increase taxes on cigarettes. (Jan 1992)
Let people buy into Medicaid; no mandated insurance. (Sep 1988)
Fight AIDS by encouraging families; test AIDS at marriage. (Apr 1987)
WWII kamikaze pilots were uniformed officers, not terrorists. (Oct 2006)
1986: Changed US policy for Iran arms-for-hostages deal. (Sep 2004)
1989: "Very pleased" that the Berlin Wall fell. (Sep 2004)
Sold F-16's to Taiwan after Tiananmen Square. (Aug 2004)
Claims he objected to Iran-Contra; Reagan says he did not. (Aug 1999)
Army service is an honor; vets shouldn't ask for more. (Nov 1998)
Supports “English First” but not via federal law. (Nov 1987)
We should be unafraid to reduce future benefits. (Oct 1978
1989: Prioritized cutting capital gains tax. (Feb 2007)
Cut capital gains tax on those earning over $200K per year. (Sep 2004)
Abandoned “Read my lips: No new taxes” pledge. (Dec 2000)
Demanded capital gains tax reduction; yielded to Congress. (Dec 2000)
"Read My Lips" did not promise to cut taxes. (Jun 1995)
1987: I oppose creation of an independent Palestine. (Sep 2004)
Humanitarian aid troops in Somalia became aggressive in 90s. (Nov 2003)
Don't measure military victory by increased body count. (Jan 1996)
Somalia: let UN do peacekeeping, not US. (Dec 1992)
No troops in Bosnia, because we haven't defined mission. (Oct 1992)
Serbia: Most blame Milosevic, but others have killed too. (Jul 1992)
Engage US in Mideast land-for-peace talks, including Golan. (Jun 1991)
Invaded Panama in 1989 to force Noriega from power. (Dec 2000)
One year ago, the people of Panama lived in fear. (Jan 1990)
Panama: If Americans in Canal Zone are touched, force is OK. (Oct 1989)
1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait: "This shall not stand!". (Oct 2010)
2003: Invasion of Iraq undid a lifetime of work. (Sep 2004)
“This will not stand” began 13-year campaign against Saddam. (Oct 2003)
Called for an uprising against Saddam, but didn’t support it. (Oct 2003)
Survived 1993 assassination attempt in Kuwait by Saddam. (Oct 2003)
I hated "Vietnam Syndrome" vilifying those who served. (Feb 2007)
1964: Any and all weapons in Vietnam, including nukes. (Sep 2004)
1968: Vietnam War is moral; South Vietnam will triumph. (Sep 2004)
I never accepted that Vietnam was immoral. (Jul 1990)
1964: Opposed War on Poverty. (Sep 2004)
1,000 points of light: volunteerism against social ills. (Apr 2004)
Create enterprise zones, but not via tax increases. (Oct 1992)
Bush, like every president who has ever held office was a puppet to his corporate overlords. Let’s not let the shadow of the half massed flags cover this.