Democrats: Resist Trump by being more War Hawkish on North Korea!
After Trump met with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un granting concessions to North Korea in exchange for a deal to work toward complete Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula. However, many top Democrats in the country are resisting Trump, and they’re resisting him from the Right.
But first here is what North Korea and US got out of the Summit
North Korea Achieved:
- An unexpected and long-sought freeze on U.S.-South Korea joint exercises announced by President Trump, with the additional virtue of dividing the United States from South Korea and Japan, who were blindsided by the announcement
- A suggestion by President Trump that U.S. strategic bombers based in Guam should not conduct exercises in Korea, an important step toward affirming Pyongyang’s definition of denuclearization of the entire Korean peninsula
- A denunciation of U.S.-South Korea exercises by President Trump as provocative;
- A summit that is sure to greatly accelerate the process of erosion of sanctions against North Korea,
- A promise from President Trump to invite Kim Jong-un to the White House;
- The stated desire of President Trump to withdraw all U.S. forces from South Korea
- A U.S. commitment to provide security guarantees to North Korea
- A mortal blow to the U.S. ability to either increase sanctions or threaten use of force for the foreseeable future.
Trump Achieved the Following for the US:
- A significant decrease in the war atmosphere that prevailed in the Korean peninsula over the last year, fanned by North Korean nuclear and missile tests and American threats of use of force;
- A halt in North Korean nuclear and missile testing, put in place by the North Koreans months ago
- Permission for the United States to resume MIA remains searches in North Korea
- A bare-bones North Korean reaffirmation of the goal of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
- The release, before the Singapore meeting, of three Americans imprisoned by North Korea
Top Senate Democrats signed a letter of vast reaching demands that needed to be met and insisted upon by the President during the summitt. These are the Senators who signed the Letter.
Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
United States Senator
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)
United States Senator
Richard J. Durbin (D-IL)
United States Senator
Mark R. Warner (D-VA)
United States Senator
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
United States Senator
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
United States Senator
Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
United States Senator
In the letter Democrats wrote “Any deal that explicitly or implicitly gives North Korea sanctions relief for anything other than the verifiable performance of its obligations to dismantle its nuclear and missile arsenal is a bad deal, we also believe that Congress must act as a check on any agreement that does not live up to these principles by imposing tougher sanctions and oversight.”. Basically warning that if we weaken the tension between US and North Korea that the Summit and any deal made was a bad idea. To add more gas to the fire, Key Democrats went on to state that they want to see tougher sanctions and oversight on North Korea.
The letter included these demands:
- The deal must include the dismantlement and removal of all nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons from North Korea.
- The U.S. must ensure a “complete and verifiable denuclearization of North Korea,” removing all items related to nuclear-weapons production to prevent the country from reversing course.
- North Korea must end its ballistic-missile program as well.
- North Korea must comply with “anywhere, anytime” inspections to ensure it is not cheating on the deal, and sanctions must be immediately restored if it does cheat.
- The deal must be permanent.
The Democrats have now moved to the right on this issue, including outlandish demands such as ending the ballistic-missile program as well, and anywhere, anytime, inspections. Both of these demands would make the deal harder for North Korea to negotiate with and would more likely lead to a full scale war with North Korea.
When Trump first agreed to the summit with Kim, Rachel Maddow, called it a “gift” to the North Korean leadership, and at one point said that it was the doing of Russia collusion!
Jeremy Bash, Obamas former Pentagon and CIA chief of staff and a military-industrial complex beneficiary, declared this a “major concession”. He stated
“It proves that North Korea is a real state. It is distinct from South Korea. It’s independent. It’s a real country.” (Apparently North Korea, didn’t exist until Trump acknowledged it despite its UN membership). Democrats now started attacking Trump for calling Kim “very honorable”.
Chuck Schumer stated that “What the United States has gained is vague and unverifiable at best. What North Korea has gained, however, is tangible and lasting. By granting a meeting with Chairman Kim, President Trump has granted a brutal and repressive dictatorship, the international legitimacy it has long craved”. What the US gained was it avoided another possible stupid and unnecessary confrontation with another country. Schumer is willing to continue escalating war as long as it avoids giving legitimacy to North Korea.
Nancy Pelosi house Democratic leader said in a statement, “In his haste to reach an agreement, President Trump elevated North Korea to the level of the United States while preserving the regime’s status quo.” Here, Nancy Pelosi, using coded language, calls for not negotiating with North Korea until there is a regime change or “change” to the regimes status quo, thereby saying that North Korea give into the Capitalist way of life by choice or by force.
Would any of these critics have made the same argument if Obama or Clinton? Of course not. Obama spent the 2008 campaign trail stating he was going to gladly meet with adversaries without preconditions, something the Right bashed him on.
To compare how outlandish the Democrats sound, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stated, “Only time will tell if North Korea is serious this time, and in the meantime we must continue to apply maximum economic pressure. The road ahead is a long one, but today there is hope that the president has put us on a path to lasting peace in the Korean peninsula.” sounding strikingly similar to what the Democrats said, but still remaining more passive than them by not saying the summit and deal was “a disaster”.
Democrats have turned off all critical thinking skills in the mist of their Anti-Trump fever they have lost the ability to interpret the world through any other way.
That being said, whether or not this summit actually has any real impact on foreign relations is yet to be decided. Lets not forget that the Neocons (Bush, and Cheney administration) originally listed the “axis of evil” as Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. That later added Libya, Cuba, and Syria.
If Democrats ever want to win again, they need to become a party of peace, a party Anti-War and a party of Anti-Imperialism. They cannot be so anti-Trump that it aggravates the country on this most supported of issues, because I don’t think that most of the country is in favor of a Nuclear War.
Democrats need to recognize when Trump does something that is not crazy, but for the Liberal establishment, it is hard to understand how Trump was able to accomplish peace when past presidents, Clinton or Obama, failed to do so. It shocks them to their core that Trump, who they view as this incomprehensible idiot and bumbling buffoon, was able to make a deal with one of the long time “adversaries” of the US, when all of the previous examples of so called “great presidents” couldn’t do this.
This is because the Democrats are not the party of peace, they are not a party of Anti-War and they are not a party of Anti Imperialism. Democrats just like to do war and imperialism slightly less than the Republicans. This is due to the fundamental make up of our political and economic system. Where defense contractors and corporations write policies and politicians pass them. If Americans want a real Anti-War, Anti-Imperialist, and Peace party, than they are going to have to build it from the ground up.
Works Citied
Bader, J. (2018). What Kim Jong-un and Trump each achieved in Singapore. [online] Brookings. Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018]. (2018). Do Democrats Want a War With North Korea?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018].
Modern, G. and achieve?, T. (2018). The Trump-Kim summit: what did it really achieve?. [online] History Extra. Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018]. (2018). North Korea Summit: Democrats List Demands for Deal | National Review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018]. (2018). Warner Joins Top Senators in Outlining Conditions for Any Deal with North Korea. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018]. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Jun. 2018].